Hello Folks! It's been a while since my last cartoon huh? Well it might be a bit longer... I'm basically going to be taking the time to Make the first episode of CYY, which production on that starts today. Why I waited so long? Well the holidays where going on around the time after I took my normal break from the last cartoon. Making it impossible to get a hold of any of my crew. Now that the holidays are basically over, aside from Valentines day, but really who gives a crap about that day if you lurk on the internet? Anyway the script for episode 1 and 2 are done, but I fear that the first episode might be a bit slow in the pacing side, and Episode 2 is a little shorter then I would like, so I might see if I can combine the two or something. On the down time between CYY Short and the first episode. I made another cartoon for my girlfriends birthday, but I didn't upload it here due to the length, and I didn't want to waste your guys time with a birthday cartoon. I tried some different type of animation with it, so it has a bit of growing pain with it.
Here is the video if you care to watch it.
I've also been doing a bit of a training in the mountains type thing, attempting to update my art style. The results, well it's getting there I think, still have a bit of work to go. But I'm not going to be changing the art style for CYY too much, the plan is to clean up the art style a bit. I think I'm starting to get the hang of drawing in flash, and with this tablet.Here is me trying too clean up the art in it, as well as testing out a look that is closer to the official art of the show. I think it came out okay. But it really depends on what I feel like going for.
So yeah thats basically the update I have for you guys. I'll keep you posted when I do some stuff for CYY, and I'll try to get some more oneshots out for you guys. it really depends on the time I have, and if I can stay interested long enough to finish them. The reason why I don't really do one shots, is that I keep flushing out things to get interested in them. So really if it isn't CYY related or something related to any other project of mine, I loose interest quick. Dropped a lot of oneshots because of that. Anyway thats my update for you folks. CYY Episode 1 will hopefully be done sometime this year. I'm looking to try to get this done about 3 to 4 months apart. but knowing me that will be impossible. So I'll think of something. Maybe be like Senpai club and release parts or something... I don't know. Anyway until then later folks!