Oh crap guys. I'm seriously sorry for not really been updating. Well I better get to the update.
First things first CYY Short 3 - Grinding.
It has been done. For like a month. Then you are probably wondering where the hell is it. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellll, My sound guy Afro was dealing with not only a move, but a Harddrive crash, therefore losing a lot of things in the process. I swear he should have backed up a lot of the things, because this isn't the first time that happened to him, but I digress. This isn't the only short that has had some technical difficulties. All of them had them. I'm hoping the show isn't cursed or something. That will be up as soon as we can get it up. Anyway with that being done... for a month (seriously sorry about that guys) I've been spending my time working on my art style. Because if you have noticed I was kind of terrible at art. Luckly the world decided to cut me some slack and decided to give me a level up in the arting ability. If you have noticed with the Kaliber Nites Chibi picture.
I would post it here, but it is rather large. I've also decided to update my profile icon.So yeah. Been messing with a new shading style, a cleaner look, and also some highlights. I hope to implement this in to CYY Episode 1. A lot of the Storyboards that I did of Episode 1, I'm feeling of just redoing to adhere to the new look.
Also was able to animatic Scene 2 of the First episode today. Not going to show that, but it was pretty cool I guess.
And Finally, This is not Newgrounds related, so sorry about that. But I recently hit 100+ Subscribers on youtube. and I feel so terrible not being able to upload something to it since then. But I will say this. For sure, hopefully My next video I release with be CYY- Grinding, and Newgrounds will be getting it first. And I'm probably going to wait a day or two before uploading it to youtube. Mainly because I really want to get people to use newgrounds more. So yeah. I'm also coming up with a new show that is going to be set in the style of a Visual Novel/Turn Based RPG. Don't expect hearing more from that until Summer however.
So tl;dr is this -
Grinding is done for a month, but techincal difficulties has delayed it. Will be out on newgrounds first and ASAP.
Art Style Update.
CYY - Episode 1 is in full Production.
And New Show, more information coming in Summer.
Okay thats good I guess. Time to crash. I hope to post some actual content rather soon.
- Elick