Okay so! Finally got my hands on the game, in a way not thought possible! Pretty good! I have notes.
First thing is First. Game Crashes after beating the game on Webgl version, might want to patch that.
Combat flow is nice, bit loose. I don't really feel the weight behind most of my attacks, and the lack of things canceling into each other is not partially good. I feel like the Flow attacks should be incorporated in a better combo system, oppose to being relegated to a short cut menu.
As for combo structure, it's an odd Hybrid. It wants to Be Kingdom Hearts, but also Devil may cry? Which mind you Thank you for making rebindable controls... though the current method is a bit touch. not sure if it was a web build reason or no. but once I swapped the jump and attack buttons It was all gooche.
But back on the Combat. Honestly Trying to be stylish is interesting sure, but the combat is just not flowing too well? I'm lacking a chaser attack, causing me to have to teleport around a lot, I'd prefer a classic Stinger for my kit, or a Proximity based attack system like in Kingdom Hearts. As for the Style Meter, as the combat as it is right now, I don't think it fits the system at all.
Combat is more button Mashy then actual Techinique. I think ether scrapping the Style meter, and go for a more Proximity approach would do you more good. Lean more towards the Kingdom hearts style combat.
The boss I feel like some attacks come out to fast to where I just eat a hit with out realizing it, you made the characters extra beefy HP wise to balance I'm sure, but I don't feel like I need to play smart, and I feel like I can Button Mash my way though the encounter.
Maybe a bit better wind up, or maybe a better sign when I hit the Revenge counter so I don't eat an attack I didn't have time to react to would be nice.
Okay the Wall run gimmick is a bit unfinished, needs a bit more polish, I kind of kept running into the Purple goo on one section because the character was instant on running the wrong way, and I barely have time to react, I think a change of that section of the level with the HARD left turn would be smart there to work around that.
Okay for the positives.
Love the Aestetic, it's got an amazing Punk rock vibe, and I'm here for it.
Level design is pretty good aside from the occasional hick up, once the movement is completely polished up, they will be pretty fun to rerun them over and over again.
There are a lot of devilish enemies to face in this, cool concepts, I just wish my tools to deal with them where a bit more polished.
Music is going in a direction that's pretty cool, I like how the level theme transitions into a battle variant and it works so nicely.
The character design are on point, Especially Blue's. You know exactly what you are doing with her, and I see you, and I appreciate it. Red fits pretty well as well and I can't wait to get my hands on Green and Yellow in the full release.
I think that's all I can really think of.
Visuals and Level design are solid
Characters are on point personality wise
Combat is fun but button Mashie, Needs more options or at least needs to be more interconnected to flow better, also My kingdom for a Chaser attack as basic Kit please.
Style Meter doesn't really add anything as it stands, and probably should be dropped or the combat system retooled with that in mind (If it REALLY needs to be in there, Take more notes from DMC)
Switch the Attack and Jump Buttons on Default, makes more sense honestly for what you have.
Needs a bit more polish in other areas.
All and All, been stalking this project for years, glad the Kickstarter succeeded this time. I will be buying it on Launch, I hope these things will be ironed out before launch!